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Antioch University ETD - Dissertations and Theses - Central

Information Central for all Antioch University Doctoral students planning, writing, completing, or submitting their dissertation to the university. At Antioch University all dissertations are born digital and submitted electronically - ETDs

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Font Requirements - Subset Embedding

To ensure that the dissertation displays correctly, even if the local computer does not know the font, we require subset embedded fonts for all PDFs and Supplemental Files.    Subset embedding ensures that the PDF only "knows" that part of the font set that it uses,  thereby reducing the size of the PDF.

Check to see if your subset embedding worked.

  • open the PDF
  • under the file menu, choose properties
  • each font should indicate subset embedding


  • Post Script Type 1 fonts required by Proquest UMI
    "Any legible font except script, italic, or ornamental fonts equivalent in scale to 10pt. Arial or 12pt. Times
    New Roman accepted. Italicized font may be used for non- English words and quotations. Applies to all text including captions, footnotes/endnotes, citations, etc."  Proquest directions
  • Please check your program's dissertation handbook for further departmental font requirements.

DO NOT put your PDF in PDF-A format or lock your PDF

If you cannot get the subset embedding to work, please contact your ETD Librarian.