University-Wide Document Requirements Checklist

In addition to the University-Wide requirements, each program has its own specific requirements beyond these basic university requirements. Please consult the Program's Doctoral Dissertation Handbook for specific standards in the program.
This is what the AU ETD Coordinator is checking before release:
Signatures /Committee section
- Privacy standards require that there are no REAL signatures in a released dissertation . Names, degrees and status [Chair, Member, External Reader, etc. for all committee members.] Please remove all signatures on Committee Pages and elsewhere.

- PDF with subset embedded fonts, with or without Multimedia Supplemental files.
Multimedia components [e.g. video, audio, animation] and/or data sets, if any, must meet the current format standards and guidelines
- All multimedia components and/or datasets must be properly described in a separate section of the Table of Contents
- All multimedia components and/or datasets must be mentioned in the abstract.

Abstracts: Must meet the following requirements:
- Length: Maximum 350 words [APA requirement 150-250 words preferred].
- Form: One paragraph
- Mention: supplemental files, if any, number and format
- Mention: Creative Commons License, if applicable
Copyright and Permissions
- The student always retains copyright. If you want to ADD a Creative Commons License – these standards must be met.
- Creative Commons License. Optionally students may choose to apply a Creative Commons License to their document. If this choice is made by the student, every document released under Creative Commons License must :
- State and specify the license on the copyright page of the dissertation
- State and specify the license in the abstract of the paper.
- Original Work & Third Party Permissions
- The student must verify that the dissertation is original work by signing this portion of the agreement.
- All third party content,including, but not limited to, images, music, tests, measures and validated instruments, translations, and poetry must be accompanied by permissions from each copyright holder. In some cases public domain or creative commons licensure may apply, and further permision is not needed.
- All third party permissions must be included in the appendix of the dissertation
- All third party content must be accurately attributed.

Personal Information : Be sure to remove from your dissertation, appendices, supplemental files and datasets ALL personal information – including your own, from the dissertation including, social security nos., telephone numbers, signatures
Delays and Embargoes:
- If your program allows delays, then you must send ETD Coordinator evidence of departmental permission to delay. There are no indefinite delays.
This is what you will be signing:
Complete dissertation archive agreement must be signed by student
I hereby grant to the Ohio Library and Information Network (OhioLINK) and to my school THE NON-EXCLUSIVE RIGHT TO ARCHIVE, REPRODUCE AND DISTRIBUTE MY THESIS OR DISSERTATION, in whole or in part, and/or my abstract, in whole or in part, in and from an electronic format, subject to the release date subsequently stipulated in this submittal form and approved by my school.
I represent and warrant that THE THESIS OR DISSERTATION AND ITS ABSTRACT ARE MY ORIGINAL WORK, do not infringe or violate any rights of others, and that I make these grants as the sole owner of the rights of my thesis and dissertation and its abstract. I warrant that I HAVE OBTAINED WRITTEN PERMISSIONS FROM THE OWNER(S) OF EACH THIRD PARTY
COPYRIGHTED MATTER to be included in my thesis or dissertation and will supply copies of such upon request by my school. I acknowledge that OhioLINK and my school will not distribute my thesis or dissertation or its abstract if, in their reasonable judgment, they believe all such rights have not been secured.
I acknowledge that I RETAIN OWNERSHIP RIGHTS TO THE COPYRIGHT OF MY WORK. I also retain the right to use all or part of this thesis or dissertation in future works (such as articles or books).