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Introduction to Power Searching Workshop
11. Planning Library Searches
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Introduction to Power Searching Workshop: 11. Planning Library Searches
1. Session Overview
1.5 How does a library appointment help?
2. Academic Conversation
3. Discovery Guidelines
4. Outsider Discovery Tools
5. All About WorldCat Local
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5.1 Do We Have This in the Library?
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5.2 BrowZine
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5.3 LibKey Nomad
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5.5 Reader's Guide
6. Library Discovery Tool: Bibliographic Indexes
7. Search Platforms
8 Subject vs. Keywords
9. Fields in Records :Sample Records
10.PsycINFO [aka APA PsycINFO] : Sample Database
11. Jump In
Addendum I: Boolean Operators and more
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Addendum II: Ulrichs
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Addendum III: Open Access Resources
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