Specific Examples of Search Platform Search Codes
are available on the
Tools of Power Seaching Libguide
See : Proximity/ Adjacency and Truncation Tabs
This Page from CSU is a great round up & Crib Sheets of all the codes you need different search platforms.
Connect to CSU Search Platform Code Page
Knowing what is under your cursor entails knowing:
1. your database
2. your search platform.
EBSCO is a Search Platform, NOT a Bibliographic Index
The Bibliographic Index dictates the the fields available for searching and the subject headings, keywords and class codes available to us .
The WAY we search - the syntax or language we use to search - are all dictated by the Search Platform.
The most important search platforms you will use in this program
Personal Accounts within Search Platforms
Most platforms allow you to create an account once you log into the index.
With this account you can :