Key Fields in a Journal Record in PsycINFO
*highlighted in red ; Key subject cataloguing fields - usually common to all record types
The cataloguing fields are used for subject searching.
- Title
- Author
- Address/Author Affiliation
- Source [Article citation : Journal Name, Volume, Issue Date, pagination]
- Page Count
- Publisher [of the Journal]
- ISSN number [International Standard Serial No. for Journal]
- Language
- Keywords
- Abstract : paragraph description of the article
- Subject Heading [aka Descriptors]
- Classification Code [Broad category assigned to the record]
- Population [in this database, [Male, Female, Human, Animal]
- Location [of the study]
- Age Group
- Tests & Measures [Used in the study]
- Methodology
- Digital Object Identifier [APA style calls for the DOI to be added to the citation in a list of references]