Make sure reference follows format- there is a specific format for an article, government report, technical report, blog, dissertation, etc.
Do not use articles from ResearchGate,, or other non-reputable sites
If you use articles, do not need to put 'retrieved from [site]' or the date that you retrieved the article:
Don't do this:
Bray, R. M., Fairbank, J. A. , & Marsden, M. E. (1999). Stress and substance use among military women and men. The American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse, 25(2), 239-256. Retrieved from
Even if you have this, if a DOI exists for the article, that needs to be included instead.
In the DOI, do not include our proxy in the string. Only Antioch people can authenticate with that DOI, and the purpose of a DOI is to be universal:
So this is a BAD DOI for this article:
While this is a BETTER DOI for the same article:
If you have questions about the DOI, copy/paste into a different browser and see where you land
Do not use as a source- there are more reputable sources for definitions; consider a subject-specific encyclopedia
Need to include volume, issue, and page range for all articles where applicable in APA 7