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 AU Holdings A-Z Gateway to AU Full Text Journals and Ebooks

When you know what you are looking for, go to the AU Holdings A-Z Gateway to do a quick look up
to search across all Antioch University's eBook and Journal archives and link to the full text.


Search by Journal Title (best bet)

  Search/Browse by Journal TITLE*


Search by Article Title (not recommended)

   Search by Article TITLE**


Search by eBook TITLE

   Search by eBook TITLE


Always check the AU Holdings A-Z before you use WeDeliver! document delivery to determine if it is available within the University.

What is it?
The AU Holdings A-Z Gateway is a lookup tool that links to the full text of all Electronic Journals [12,000+ journal titles] 
and Electronic Books [300,000+ ebooks] in the Antioch University Collections.
This A-Z is most often used as a quick look-up when you have the article citation or book title in-hand  
or if you want to browse a journal title.